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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Automobile transportation

I would like to transport an automobile
To transport an automobile post your ad to auto-loads and carrier will offer you their services.
How much does it cost to transport an automobile?
Car transportation prices depend on transportation geography and transport. If you have your car transported by a 8-10 place transporter, transportation price per car in the EU countries will start at 25 eurocents per kilometre. If you transport your car by 1-4 place transporter (their routes and transportation time are more flexible), the price will be higher and start at 30 eurocents per kilometre. If a car is transported outside the EU, the price per kilometre comprises the transportation price plus transit expenses. When transporting from the EU to the CIS, the price per kilometre starts at 50 eurocents plus transit fees.

Payment for auto-loads

How much does the auto-loads services cost?
One transportation ad per week may be posted free of charge. If you need to post more advertisements, announce available auto transporters or review contacts of advertisement, please purchase subscription. Subscription rates may be found here.
Where can I pay for auto-loads services?
To pay for auto-loads services please click here.
I have paid for the services. When can I start using them?
If your payment has been made using Internet banking or Pay Pal via auto-loads site, you may use the services instantly. If you print the invoice and pay later, the membership shall be activated when the money is in our bank account.
I have paid membership fee, but I am not allowed to use it
  1. Please check your email for an email about successfully paid subscription;
  2. Please check your SPAM folder, the email may have been sent there;
  3. If you received email regarding successful payment of membership, but it still does not work, please log out and log in to auto-loads again or press Ctrl + F5;
  4. If you perform all of the above instructions but the membership is still inactive, please contact us;
I would like to extend auto-loads membership
The membership may be extended here.

Changing data

How can I change company data?
Company data may be changed here.
How can I change my data?
Your data may be changed here.
How can I delete my data from auto-loads?
To delete your data please contact us.

Login to auto-loads

Forgot my password
Use password recovery help and you will receive temporary password to your email valid for 24 hours. When you receive your temporary password, we recommend to change it.
Forgot my username
Your username is your email which you have entered during registration to auto-loads site.
Cannot receive temporary password to my email
Please check your SPAM folder, your temporary password may have been sent there.
Cannot login, because it says there is not such user
In such case please contact us. We will get back to you by email the next working day.

Doesn't work

Auto-loads doesn't work
  1. Try to log out and log in to the site;
  2. Press Ctrl + F5;
  3. Auto-loads site works best with Google Chrome browser;


How can I announce a load?
Your load may be announced here.
How to edit an ad?
  1. If you are not registered to auto-loads, you will receive editing link to your email after you post your advertisement. Do not forget to check your SPAM folder;
  2. If you are registered to auto-loads, you may edit your advertisement here;
How to delete an ad?
  1. If you are not registered to auto-loads, you will receive editing/deletion link to your email after you post your advertisement. Do not forget to check your SPAM folder;
  2. If you are registered to auto-loads, you may delete your advertisement here;


How can I register to auto-loads?
Registration to auto-loads.